

Divine Perspective [Instagram image]

Divine Perspective [Instagram image]


WELCOME to my Apostolic views two page. Click "Read more" above for access to the first Apostolic views page. Happy reading. 

The Church has been around for generations, since JESUS left. JESUS made it clear  in Matthew 16:18 that hell will move against the Church, but will not prevail. HE never hid the battle the true Church will face from her, these HE spelt out even before HIS death and resurrection that birthed the true Church. HE mentioned persecutions, hatred, killings, attacks, insults, etc. HE called the real culprit "Gates of hell". JESUS knew exactly what HE mentioned. Hell encapsulate many things. That is not my focus here. The simple summary is this; the law of death and hell is the main culprit at work in this world through diverse strategies to kill, steal and destroy. This is clearly spelt out in several parts of the Bible. Every true servant of GOD is out to deliver people from death and hell, that is why death and hell comes after you in various manners including evil gifts and evil wealth. Death and hell have their emissaries both in human and spirit forms, unfortunately, many keep falling victim of them. The book of revelation shows us the true pictures of the creatures that wreck death and destruction on earth, some of the events written were either pre-rapture or post-rapture. These creatures are not figurative, those are their real forms. They exist. 

Revelation 9:14-17,19-21. Living Bible Version

[14]saying to the sixth angel, “Release the four mighty demons held bound at the great River Euphrates.” [15]They had been kept in readiness for that year and month and day and hour, and now they were turned loose to kill a third of all mankind. [16]They led an army of 200,000,000 warriors—I heard an announcement of how many there were. [17](17-18) I saw their horses spread out before me in my vision; their riders wore fiery-red breastplates, though some were sky-blue and others yellow. The horses’ heads looked much like lions’, and smoke and fire and flaming sulphur billowed from their mouths, killing one-third of all mankind. [19]Their power of death was not only in their mouths, but in their tails as well, for their tails were similar to serpents’ heads that struck and bit with fatal wounds. [20]But the men left alive after these plagues still refused to worship God! They would not renounce their demon-worship, nor their idols made of gold and silver, brass, stone, and wood—which neither see nor hear nor walk!  [21]Neither did they change their mind and attitude about all their murders and witchcraft, their immorality and theft. 

A thorough study of scriptures from Acts to Jude reveals so many strategies to destroy the Church and true servants of GOD. The Church has always had casualties. Many survived. There is no single part of this world that has not moved against the true Church at one time or the other. It has always been the desire of death and hell to completely obliterate the Church. If you read the authentic Church history, apart from the fake Church history that has turned history upside down circulating all over the Internet and in books making the enemies of the Church the friends of the Church, etc; you will see that the initial move against the true Church, immediately JESUS left, was to completely wipe out the Church and remove every trace of her from existence. Saul, turned Apostle Paul, was on one of such mission before GOD arrested HIM and turned him to one of HIS most formidable servants. GOD is a Merciful GOD. HE has always specialised in taking those who actually want the Church dead and destroyed or take their children and use them to build the Church. That is still HIS strategy up till today. 90% of GOD'S true servants are either directly born by those who stood or stand against the Church or their 2nd or 3rd generation offsprings. In fact, 60% of truly called Gospel ministers are born by chief priests of idolatry or occult kingpins. Some ministers were even once haters and persecutors of the true Church. We have many agents of darkness who got delivered and are now true servants of GOD, mind you, fake conversions also abound amongst them too, a strategy to infiltrate the Church. Same every where in the world; once you fight GOD, your offsprings will serve GOD. You will now understand the deep fury of darkness to destroy the Church. GOD keeps hijacking their kids to destroy their works. The same Church they want to stamp out is the same Church their children are building and expanding. This is why once they catch you, they will leave you in the Church and counter-use you to destroy the Church. They are playing GOD back. If GOD hijack you as their child to harvest souls for CHRIST, once they catch you, they will use you to harvest the souls of true believers for their kingdom. They will literally turn your Church or ministry office to one of their initiation and demonising centers. This they have done over generations and are still doing. Watch that over generous 'man of GOD', he might be working for them. You have no idea how many children of witches and sorcerers are ministers fighting witchcraft and sorcery. Years back, they use to show who they really are and fight any child of theirs who get born-again. Today, the strategy has changed. They will ensure you will never know who they really are, in fact, they will follow you to Church and pretend to also become born-again. They will even buy you Bible and pretend to love your JESUS. Until they capture you, you will never suspect a thing. Most of those destroying the Church are inside the Church. That is the strategy. You must never suspect them. 

Well, they have, from generation to generation, had success and failures in their operations against the Church. Let's see some of the mistakes of this generation of ministers and believers that have made them have huge success thus far. 

1. The sabotage of hard foundation process. Many called ministers of this generation were too much in a hurry to manifest, they dodged many painful surgery GOD wanted for them to ensure they last. They ran in ministry for a while, but eventually got captured. My advice for those who ordain ministers in their Churches or ministry, never allow them start from the top lest you destroy them, if they cannot persevere in hard beginning, let them go or else they will not last or even hurt the ministry in the long-term. No matter how anointed a person is, if you flee hard beginning or some of GOD'S painful surgery, you will crash one day. Foundations come in diverse ways only GOD knows, specific GOD chosen relationships one of them. 

2. The craze for prosperity taken to the extreme. They did not distinguish between the gifts or wealth they should pray against and also flee from and the ones they should accept. They were completely careless with evil gifts that destroyed and still destroying many. 

3. They did not believe in the reality of generation curses you still have to deal with in prayers and diverse sacrifices for GOD after Salvation. This crashed many. If you have access to both known and unknown family history of many captured ministers, you will see a clear pattern exactly replicating the way their parents or ancestors destroyed others including true ministers. You have no idea what many who gave birth to you have done to others and those others they hurt placed curses on both them and their offsprings. All these must be dealt with. Many know these things, but took them for granted, believing it cannot touch them. 

4. Carelessness in relationship, especially with the rich and society figures. They ignored the fact that some high society figures can also be agents. They had no caution. 

5. They romanced the occult. 

6. Many do not apply the law of sacrifice as a weapon of spiritual defence. 

7. Wives not ready to make sacrifices for GOD. Such wives will eventually be captured and used to destroy their husbands. If you as a wife is not called into full-time ministry, go work and put both your money and sweat into the ministry as your own sacrifices unto GOD. Ministers wives who cannot sacrifice for GOD will eventually crash their husbands. Some fought their husbands and pushed them into destruction. They moved them ahead of GOD and caused them to disobey GOD unto captivity. Some servants of GOD also caused their wives to hold back due to their attitude.