Apostle Tosin Oke

Apostle Tosin Oke



Hello Women

Hello Women


Hello, young women wherever you are in the world, especially if you are still single. This is a page dedicated to you. There are issues that pertains to young single women, these issues we shall be addressing in this page as the LORD will allow us. Other ministries and messages outside mine shall also be featured here as the LORD will lead. Actually young single women seems to be the most vulnerable when it comes to certain issues of life, especially the choice of a life partner. May the LORD help you. 


Go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Ensure you diligently go through the messages there, pray all the prayers (a must) and obey all the instructions. Now, go further. Spread the word that a page dedicated to young women is here. Now, go ahead and pray this prayer. Do not leave this page without praying this prayer. 




The first things that will give you inner beauty you must possess as a woman are : the inner qualities of Salvation in JESUS, a life of holiness in words and deeds, study of GOD'S word and prayers; diligently serving the LORD and making sacrifices for HIM, kindness, humility and walking in love. These will make you a radiant soul before GOD. Stop here and pray now before proceeding. 


The second is good and godly physical appearance. These pictures speak for themselves. View and conform. Click on each picture for an enlarged view. 

Good Appearance 1

Good Appearance 1

Good appearance 11

Good appearance 11




Hello women. Let's discuss another subject. Everybody wish to marry. All born into this world are divinely fashioned to desire marriage. Those hindering people's good marriage are violating divinely ordained institution, any curse the aggrieved issue against them will stand. Once you begin to reach the right age, you naturally begin to desire the company of the opposite sex. This is normal, only ensure you stay within proper boundaries. Since not all of us are the same in terms of profession and visions for our individual lives, diverse marriages must, as a result, have their unique peculiarities. Let me break it down. 

Simple example. We have different types of means of transportation : bicycle, cars, buses, trucks, air transports, train, etc. You do not manage them the same way. We use different electronic gadgets in our homes; you do not manage them the same way. If you treat an aeroplane like a bicycle (just pick and go), you will crash very fast. Marriage is the same. You must first define the kind of marriage you desire, know what to do to get it and go for it. Let's be accurate. Here are three types of marriage you may choose from. 

1. Marriage to agents of darkness out to destroy. Yes, many fall victim to this kind of marriage. Never think it is easy to escape it. Salvation in JESUS is not even enough guarantee that you will escape it. Many true believers in CHRIST and genuine Pastors have been caught without them suspecting a thing. Many of you my readers are still heading for that kind of marriage. This is not a curse. The reason is that, unless you are ready to fight in prayers, instant obedience to GOD'S voice and ready to MAKE ANY SACRIFICE HE DEMANDS OF YOU, you will end up in this kind of marriage. The most unfortunate thing is, you might never realise that you were captured until you die and arrive in hell. Majority refuse to make the sacrifices HE demands of them and they end up being caught. The reason why many of us miss GOD'S escape routes is because HE hardly tells us why HE ask us to do certain things. Those things HE ask us to do through HIS word, messages like this, personal instructions to us, etc, often look insignificant, but could mark the difference between good or bad marriage, heaven and hell. Examples: "wait a while before you marry", "give that money, clothes, food, etc, to that person....", "go and serve me in sweat, labour and suffering...", "start sending your tithe to that particular man of GOD ", "go and serve in that Church or ministry that is still trying to pick up ", "you have a job or means of income, marry that true Pastor just starting and finance him", and many more. Obedience to any of these instructions are capable of delivering you from marriages that will destroy you. Considering the peculiarity of this present generation, any one that cannot make sacrifices for GOD that will reach GOD will likely miss good marriage. Do these two things if you are not yet married. 

A. Pause here, go on your knees and pray this prayer. Do not proceed unless you do this. 


B. Skip tomorrow's breakfast and lunch as fasting and pray that prayer again before you eat dinner. 


2. Marriage to those not called into the true work of GOD. If they are not agents of darkness, but genuine people with good intentions, you are fortunate. Just ensure both of you take time to pray together concerning having your own kids before you start having kids. This is another area of battle also as strong as getting a good partner. Most people hardly pay attention to this area. Once they marry, they start having kids without any prayers, fasting or sacrifices unto GOD. Never forget this. Before you both go near each other after marriage, (sex and conception before marriage will open your womb and homes wide for infiltration of strange babies) consecrate some days of fasting and prayers to block unwanted kids from gaining access into your home as your kids. Both of you must join in this assignment. The failure of one partner in this area might jeopardise the entire exercise. In the course of praying or after, GOD might request you do certain sacrificial things for HIM; BELOVED, IN YOUR OWN INTEREST, OBEY FAST. 

3. Marriage to truly called servants of GOD. This kind of marriage is absolutely different from other kinds of marriages and certain laws must be obeyed if both of you will not be destroyed. You cannot handle this marriage the way you handle other marriages. The reasons are these. The call and the work of GOD is involved. You cannot run your home like other homes, other homes are not ministry homes. This marriage is unique and special to GOD. The wives of true ministers of the Gospel must do the following, else they will destroy both them and their Pastor husbands. 

A. Must have a very good relationship with GOD. 

B. Must be ready to fully support any instruction GOD gives their husbands, no matter how sacrificial, in the interest of both of you and your children.

C. Must live an impeccably holy life. No lying or other sins. If you violate this rule, evil spirits will easily gain access into you and use you to destroy your husband, after which they will destroy your children. 

D. Must carefully watch their relationships even with relatives and in-laws. Why ? Agents of darkness will make you a prime target for friendship. If they get you, they will use you against your husband. You must also pray hard against evil gifts reaching both of you. If you collect it, destruction will enter your lives and home. 

E. Be very sure that GOD has also called you into full-time ministry before you sit doing full-time ministry work with your husband, otherwise you will be destroyed. If you are not called, leave ministry work for your husband (simply do all you can do as a partner to help and participate), go work and put your sacrifices into the work of GOD. If you do not do this, you will become vulnerable to spiritual arrows. If they catch you, they will use you against your husband and your children. Never forget this, any ministry family (Pastor, wife and children) must ensure each person contribute to GOD'S work as often as they can, from their own income and labour. This is a major form of individual and family spiritual security in addition to prayers and GOD'S word. 

F. Must ensure your husband always obey GOD and not your own desires and wish. This is in the best interest of your family. Both of you must have family altar where you jointly keep seeking GOD for direction. A ministry home must not be run on the contrary advice of friends, parents or relatives but ONLY on divine direction. This is how many ministers wives destroyed themselves and their husbands. They forced their Pastor spouse to disobey GOD based on other people's opinions or their own rebellion. 

G. As you say "yes" to a true man of GOD, you must realise you are also saying "yes" to the call of GOD on his life. You must be ready to fully cooperate with what GOD wants for HIM lest you destroy him.

H. If both of you diligently do the above, ministry breakthrough will eventually be yours. 


A True Man of GOD

A True Man of GOD

Having understood the three types of marriage mentioned in my previous message "DIFFERENT TYPES OF MARRIAGE AND THEIR PECULIARITIES", for me, marriage to a true man of GOD, if GOD lead you into it, is the best. Those GOD lead into such marriages are few, not many can cope with it. Do not think GOD does not know what HE is doing. You can never be as wise as GOD. GOD knows there are rich men around and those in different professions before telling you to go marry a true man of GOD. HE must know something you do not know. Let me tell you some of the reasons HE will lead a true man of GOD to you. 

1. GOD might have seen the destruction heading your way in life through marriage to other men (you can't always  see the future). Examples: barrenness, sudden death, broken marriage, sickness and disease, infidelity, polygamy, spiritual captivity of all types, heartbreaks, separation, diverse wickedness, wayward children, wicked in-laws, loads of spiritual battles ahead of you, disasters in your own family, future evil arrows, shame and disgrace, domestic violence, etc. But because you are a born-again sister and a true child of GOD, HE decided to lead you to a true man of GOD for marriage to escape all these. Yes, it might be tough initially and demanding on you, trust me, best to stick with GOD. HE simply showed you mercy. Obey HIM and forget all other options. GOD is never wicked. HIS marriage choice for you is always in your own best interest that you might not understand in this lifetime. When you get to heaven, you will forever thank HIM, for you will then see events clearly. I write from some personal experience. Some time GOD speaks to some sisters about me, HE alerts me ahead, revealing certain things to me that my anointing could handle in their lives and future, thus HIS directing them to me.  I was not instructed to tell them. They were to obey first. Unfortunately, they disobeyed. The enemy responsible for those things also orchestrating their disobedience. A truth many of you might never hear is this, many true men of GOD will hardly reveal this out of love for their divinely arranged spouse; they fought serious battles to deliver their wives from various things. I know Pastors who stood through thick and thin to save their wives from various things. Some laboured in days of fastings with prayers because of their wives. Some fought marine attacks bitterly out to destroy their wives. Some fought hard in prayers for their in-laws, etc. Many of these things you will never hear from them. Some tolerated many things other men would have ran from if they had married them. This is why GOD led them to true ministers of GOD to marry. I use to wonder, considering some cases I knew, what would have befallen those sisters if they had not married a true fire man of GOD ? Their lives would have been a mess. Sisters, if GOD ask you to marry a true man of GOD, appreciate HIM for the mercy; just ensure you both obey all the instructions i gave in the previous message "DIFFERENT TYPES OF MARRIAGE AND THEIR PECULIARITIES " so as not to sabotage the purpose of GOD for bringing you together. One major thing the enemy does, if they know GOD arranged a true man of GOD for you to marry so as to set you free from various things even you might not be aware of; is to use you to destroy him. Never allow that. Read my messages carefully and obey, to escape that. 

2. A true man of GOD is a spiritual asset for you and also a spiritual covering. By virtue of the anointing on his life, certain arrows will miss you. Do not make the mistake of treating him like any other common husband. No beloved, he is more than that. You will see many things about him others might not know, never let that make you lose your respect for him and his anointing. If you know what to do, that man alone can be your key to breakthrough in life. Sow into his life, not as a wife, but as a spiritual daughter. Ensure he constantly places his hand on you and speaks blessings into your life. Sister, you have in your house what many climb mountain tops to find. You have in your house what many travel to other states and countries to find. You have in your house a man ordained and anointed by GOD. He might not be wealthy, but if you know how to minister to his anointing, you will catch your own breakthrough through him. Just ensure you help him keep that fire in your own best interest. He must never need to look elsewhere for anything he needs from his wife. If you are not into full-time ministry with him, work or start a business and constantly sow into his life from your income. Do that with honour so that the anointing can respond to you. You will be surprised at how you will prosper beyond your widest imagination. Give to others too.  Unfortunately, some of our women get too familiar with their Pastor spouse and miss out. 

3. With you married to a true man of GOD, as long as you do not allow the enemy capture him, you have a good chance of ending in heaven. Some other marriages might send you to hell, if your spouse is the ungodly type. He might lead you astray. A true man of GOD will do all he can to lead his family to CHRIST and to heaven. 

4. You will be free from polygamy and infidelity, provided your husband man of GOD is not captured by evil forces. This is why both of you must diligently follow all i wrote in my previous message. True men of GOD don't sleep around and they stick to only one wife.

5. Your children will have a godly example at home.

6. Beloved, you have a great chance for peace of mind, compared to other marriages. 

I am not saying all true men of GOD are perfect, no beloved. You will still see things you need to pray about in his life. Some might still have characters that need to be dealt with, etc. But, compared to other men, you have the advantage of challenging heaven to fix anything you see wrong with him since GOD gave you to him. Trust me, HE will answer. That might be one of the reasons GOD asked you to marry him. There are also true Pastors, that if not for their on fire for CHRIST wives, their lives too would have been a mess. Those wives prayed hard and laboured over them to make them pull through certain personal flaws. Unfortunately, some sisters are not like that, instead of them to rise up in real spiritual warfare for their men, they simply looked on until they were captured and destroyed. Ensuring that true man of GOD end well might be one of your ministries in his life. Play it well. 


Instagram @ahora.flower

Instagram @ahora.flower

Good day women globally. There are two groups of women on earth. Firstly, the agents of darkness out to destroy and who are all among true women, I do not write to this group. This first group also have collaborators amongst men, their fellow agents, they both joined hands to come after me. Secondly are genuine women simply out to live their normal lives; marry, bear kids and be at peace with everyone. This second group, my reader, are the ones I write to. If you are among the second group, watch out for the first group, they are out to take you down, unfortunately, many have been captured already. Well, I pray the mercy of GOD that is writing this through me will make these messages of mine, including this letter, save the few true women we might still have standing. Take your time to study it.

Certain mindsets, have over generations destroyed women and made them susceptible to manipulation. Women who did not succumb to these mindsets had a chance to escape. They achieved great things in life. In the divine order, men and women were created. In the context of the home, the man is the head. The headship concept does not make the woman an insignificant factor. Never. Read your Bible very well and see the amazing feats women performed in scriptures. A large portion of the finances of JESUS in the Bible were from women. Same for Prophets Elijah and Elisha. Those women were 'industrialists ' of their days who had means to sustain and finance those true servants of GOD.  Two examples will suffice. The woman who sustained Elisha and received diverse miracles as a result. Read her story. She had house, land, field and other properties.

2 Kings 8:1-6. KJV
Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, Arise and go with your household and sojourn wherever you can, for the Lord has called for a famine, and moreover, it will come upon the land for seven years. So the woman arose and did as the man of God had said. She went with her household and sojourned in the land of the Philistines seven years. At the end of the seven years the woman returned from the land of the Philistines, and she went to appeal to the king for her house and land. The king talked with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, saying, Tell me all the great things Elisha has done. And as Gehazi was telling the king how [Elisha] had restored the dead to life, behold, the woman whose son he had restored to life appealed to the king for her house and land. And Gehazi said, My lord O king, this is the woman, and this is her son whom Elisha brought back to life. When the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed to her a certain officer, saying, Restore all that was hers, and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the land even until now.

What of Dorcas.

The Acts 9:36-40. KJV
Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did. And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber. And forasmuch as Lydda was nigh to Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them. Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping, and shewing the coats and garments which Dorcas made, while she was with them. But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

Dorcas was busy giving alms and clothing people, you must have means to do that. Go through the book of Proverbs and see the description of true womanhood. Just an excerpt.

Proverbs 31:10-17,25. Living Bible Version.
[10]If you can find a truly good wife, she is worth more than precious gems!
[11]Her husband can trust her, and she will richly satisfy his needs.
[12]She will not hinder him but help him all her life.
[13]She finds wool and flax and busily spins it.
[14]She buys imported foods brought by ship from distant ports.
[15]She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plans the day’s work for her servant girls.
[16]She goes out to inspect a field and buys it; with her own hands she plants a vineyard.
[17]She is energetic, a hard worker,
[25]She is a woman of strength and dignity and has no fear of old age.

Having read the above, all women reading me; throw away that nonsense that says "Your prosperity is dependent on a man". GOD'S promise of prosperity is for both men and women. If you both obey the laws of prosperity, you will both prosper. There is no law that says you cannot be richer than your husband yet respect and honour him. Being rich is not a license for violating the divine rule of the headship of the home. No matter your prosperity, always maintain that order. Women, your mindset is your problem. This is why the first thing you check before saying "yes" to a man is his pocket. This is why 90% of you always make the wrong choice. When GOD spoke to some sisters about me and some devils told them that I had no food to eat and can't take care of them; due to that they disobeyed GOD (so unfortunate, those stories were deliberately cooked up since the 90s to drive women away from me while the same agents of darkness who spread the stories kept coming after me in secret for sexual immorality), I wondered why such stories will scare away a true woman who knows her right in CHRIST and who is hardworking. Were they not planning to have their own means of income ? Assuming you marry a man with means and suddenly he loses his job or things go bad for him momentarily; how will you survive if your faith and only means of sustenance is your man ? If in this present world,  you do not have a plan of self finance as a woman joined to what your husband earn, you will most likely make a poor choice in marriage and have problems. Present world economy confirms this.

Do not misunderstand me, a man must be up and doing and able to provide for his household. A woman too must have a clear vision for her life, be hardworking and make her own money. That is scriptures. This will help her to make informed choice in marriage and not disobey GOD because she sees challenges in her husband's life. Let me show you two different types of men GOD can give you and the purpose for such.

1. A man able to finance both of you. There are times GOD can lead you to such men, their means of income will be clean. This is not an excuse for laziness. Keep working and keep making your own money no matter how comfortable the man is.

2. Men who are just trying to stand up. The reason might be because he needs your help to help him rise in life. GOD knows with you by his side, he will rise. If you disobey GOD, even you might not rise in life. Why ? Some destinies are complementary. Their shining is in partnership. The spark is in your coming together. GOD knowing this and also knowing you are still struggling, lead you to such a man. When you both come together, pull your little resources together, plan together and help one another; the spark will be ignited and both of you will eventually prosper. A Pastor had vision and anointing, but no money. GOD sent him a working woman as a wife. Fortunately, she obeyed GOD. She got a loan from work and gave it to the husband for Church establishment. They both joined hands to grow the ministry. Today, their story is a testimony. GOD knew they must come together for them to rise together. The seed she sowed also translated into many blessings for her. You get the point, GOD is wiser than us all, NEVER QUESTION HIS CHOICE. This applies in business and other professions. Some couples make good business partners. What if they had not married each other ?

THE MAN YOU MUST NOT MARRY. This is a man that is not ready to make sacrifices for GOD. He is not ready to pray and seek GOD'S face. He cannot give and is not willing to change. Such a man is heading nowhere unless he does evil to survive, in which case he will destroy both of you. No matter the poor state of any man, if he is ready to live holy, pray, seek GOD'S face for help and always willing to make sacrifices for GOD; his story will eventually change for better.

My dear women, you are not an insignificant part of creation. Change your mindset about marriage; you are going there to feed and to be fed. Whatever happens in the love intimacy does not change this. You are a wife, not a prostitute. Prostitutes are paid for sex, not wives.  Prosperity from GOD is for all. Let your trust be in GOD and not in a man. That is the way to prosper. Raise your children with this mindset. Plan great life for both your sons and daughters. Never let your girls have the impression that their sustenance is in a man. Train them to be self sufficient with or without a man so that after you have departed this world, your mind will be at rest that both your sons and daughters are able to fend for themselves.



Women on Fire

Women on Fire

Once again, I write to girls who are genuine girls, not agents among girls. I have, in previous messages, specify the group I write to. If you are a genuine woman for peace and for good; settle down with this and diligently study it. I have been around for a while and have seen a few things. The foundation of a life came into force before it is born, this will design your path and experience in life. The blood that gave birth to you, the home and family you were born into and the kind of training you were raised by, all constitute your foundation in life. This will, to a great extent, determine the course of your life. Unfortunately, only GOD can remove many things in your foundation that will destroy you in life, only if you call on HIM. Pause here and pray now. 


Furthermore, your childhood, preteen, teenage and early adulthood decisions can make or mar you for life. This is why I write this to girls, those just growing up into womanhood. The mistakes you make here can significantly alter your destiny in terrible manners, almost impossible to correct in future. Let's see some of these mistakes. 

1. IGNORANCE. Most of you hardly use your childhood to spiritually develop yourself. If you want to save your life and future, get busy spiritually. It is not difficult. My messages will help you. Explore all these pages. At certain stage in adulthood, you will not be able to study the way you would if you were still young. Old age is no more the time for prayer and fasting. What you ate into your spirit and soul while you were young is what will eventually sustain you in adulthood and old age. Don't be caught unprepared. One of the reasons I did not miss my way like many we grew up together have done, is that, I began to seek GOD in personal prayers, fastings, private vigils, study of GOD'S word and fellowship with GOD, right from my childhood. I moved beyond daddy and mummy and locked on to GOD on a one on one basis. My mother did not even know 90% of the spiritual exercises I was involved in. She goes to work early and come back late. I would have gone anywhere I wanted to and return home before she comes back from work. The first time she saw me ministering deliverance was in a picture I took at one of my school programmes that she came across. She was shocked. Once you can get this right from childhood, you stand a chance in life, anything else is a risk. Years ago, I knew a girl who I was led by the HOLY SPIRIT to raise in spiritual knowledge for her own good. I began to buy good Gospel books for her to address the areas in which I saw she was spiritually deficient. I was ready to take her through scriptures and told her so. Unfortunately, she listened to those that advised her wrongly, moved away from me and the enemy had his way. My beloved young woman, if you don't throw away the mindset of carefreeness and begin to seek GOD fast through JESUS CHRIST, you will most likely miss your way in life. You see, evil forces don't wait for you to grow up before they plot your destruction. They knew you from birth and already have their plans set against you. If you don't become a prayer warrior early enough in life, it might be too late when you reach matured womanhood and have made terrible mistakes. Nobody is too young for them to haunt, not even babies. The destruction many experience at 15, 18, 25, 30, 40, 50, etc....age, were actually set in motion against them right from birth. What if they had caught fire for GOD early in life, their story might have been different. In your own time and eternal interest, throw away that "I am still a child" mindset and go for GOD now, now, now, now, NOW.......! 

2. BAD FRIENDS AND TALKING TOO MUCH. Many girls are still too naive to know which friends to keep and which ones not to keep. They still can't figure out what to tell friends and what not to tell them. I will strongly advice you to hit the floor now and ask GOD to lead you in this issue. This singular mistake have destroyed many girls. Not all fellow girls you see or know mean well for you. Some can be specifically assigned to you to destroy you. Same for boys too. 

3. A LACK OF GIVING. Start giving to GOD early in life. Before you give, pray to GOD to lead you to where and who you give to and always obey HIM. This can activate GOD'S Mercy for your future. I started paying tithe from my high school pocket money, though very small. I later graduated to using almost all for tracts, handbills and sending money to other ministries. Nobody in my house knew what I was doing. 

4. NOT UNDERSTANDING THE LURE OF THE FEMININE BODY. You are growing into womanhood and no more a baby. Some girls make mistakes because they still see themselves like babies to be cuddled and carried about. They don't know their bodies are changing into womanhood, a strong attraction for both men and sexual predators. They still wear body revealing dresses like babies, still run about with boys and men just as if they are still babies. They even tell boys everything and changes happening to their bodies, just as they tell their mummies. Such girls are courting trouble big time. You will wake up the lust of dangerous men amongst good men against yourself, a volcano with unquenchable thirst. Such men will go to any length to have you or ravish your body. They might even go spiritual against you just to have you. This is how many girls were raped, demonised or spiritually turned to whores. I once visited a place where an 18yr old girl just entering puberty didn't know all these. She still leaves sensitive parts of her body open and jumps on boys and men as if she was still a baby, even to wrestling and rolling around with them as play. She started jumping at me too. I was matured, older and could handle it.  I greeted her happily, knowing she was naive. I then sat her down and educated her. I warned her to adjust else lustful boys or men will be affected and come after her. She appreciated me for the advice. Young girls, never do anything to stir up lust against yourself. Lust is a deadly fire that will do anything to have its way. Once you notice lust, take off. Wear clothes that goes below the knee. I strongly advice you stay away from these modern strange trousers and shorts deliberately designed to display and accentuate a woman's figure. Church dressing nosedived when marine forces entered the Church. Today, they are on the altar preaching and in the choir singing, even setting up 'Churches' and preaching just like us or better. Never copy every dressing you see in Church. Marine spirits are in Church too. 

5. TOO TRUSTING. Some are still too trusting and believe everything they hear or see. No life experience yet. Young woman, "I love you " does not always mean "love". Not all smile is a smile, not everyone appearing nice is good. If you don't start learning this early in life, you will fall victim of lies and deception. The best thing is to place everyone and all issues before GOD in prayers, always ask HIM to ensure you do not fall victim of deception. Stop here and pray now. 


6. BAD ROLE MODEL. Young people are quite impressionable, they see anything or anyone that appeal to them, they want to be like them. They are not yet matured enough to differentiate between good and bad role models. Some boys sag because they see others do it. Some girls have been misled by those they looked up to, to teach and guide them; might be a class teacher, a Pastor's wife (there are many agents among Pastors wives), a neighbour, a school mother, a TV or radio personality, etc. One of the things that helped me at a young age was that my own role models were true servants of GOD whose works I read and studied. This singular error have destroyed many girls. Young women, you don't copy everything you see on TV or hear on radio. We hear school teachers initiating their students into witchcraft and marine kingdom. Some evil parents do too. We also have good role models. My advice is this, let JESUS and the Bible be your greatest role model. Let the HOLY SPIRIT be your best friend. Just speak to HIM as if HE is by your side. You don't need to feel HIM. HE is with you. Reject anything anyone tell you and any lifestyle contrary to the Bible. Don't copy most of the secular songs you watch or hear, they won't help you spiritually. I have some of my songs online too. Need someone to talk too, feel free to reach me. 

Let me stop here. When you read messages like this, you don't just read and go, you take them into prayers, one of the things that helped me in life; I take into prayers many things I read and ask that the good be part of my life and the bad removed from my life. Go on your knees now and do likewise. 




Adultery is a major problem in this world and has bred so much hatred, betrayal, separation, bastards, destruction of marriage, fights, deaths, heartbreak, etc. Adultery has killed many and sent multitude to hell. There are many reasons for this. Some were forced into marriages they did not like, some married out of pressure or greed. Distance and lack of love and satisfaction in marriage among many other reasons. All these have various ways to handle them.  Well, one of the things the Bible vehemently warns us against is Adultery. The destructions brought by adultery we see daily confirms what you are about to read.

Proverbs 6:23-33. AMP
For the commandment is a lamp, and the whole teaching [of the law] is light, and reproofs of discipline are the way of life, [Ps. 19:8; 119:105.] To keep you from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a loose woman. Lust not after her beauty in your heart, neither let her capture you with her eyelids. For on account of a harlot a man is brought to a piece of bread, and the adulteress stalks and snares [as with a hook] the precious life [of a man]. Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals and his feet not be burned? So he who cohabits with his neighbor's wife [will be tortured with evil consequences and just retribution]; he who touches her shall not be innocent or go unpunished. Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry; But if he is found out, he must restore seven times [what he stole]; he must give the whole substance of his house [if necessary–to meet his fine]. But whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks heart and understanding (moral principle and prudence); he who does it is destroying his own life. Wounds and disgrace will he get, and his reproach will not be wiped away.

Now, that is a serious one. Adultery can be caused by fleshly weakness, circumstances that arise, strong temptations or the handiwork of evil forces whose mission is to destroy marriages. This is why doing all you must do to marry right is very important. Better still, knowing how to keep your good marriage (if you have it) is also quite important. Above all, you must know the LORD JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and Saviour and walk with HIM in holiness, this will help you escape the temptations of adultery.

Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.

I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".

Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.

Now, let's zero in on my focus here, evil creatures of lust and sexual immorality who have no regard for marriage and must always have their way sexually with whoever they wish, not minding the damage it will do. They abound in our midst as both men and women and have, from generation to generation, being responsible for 80% of adultery and marriage break-ups. They snatch spouse with reckless abandon. Most of those sleeping with your spouse are either these evil persons or persons possessed by evil spirits. Some think only money is their motivation. Yes, money attracts them, but they are quite often driven by lust. Lust has no boundaries, therefore all marriages becomes target, poor or rich. They see you, they want you and they must have you, married or not. This is one major area of warfare married people must watch out for since multitude have fallen victim of their lust. Stories of their sexual escapades abound worldwide. We hear them daily. Our divorce courts are filled with their handiwork. They have many strategies to catch their prey.

1. Evil powers. They can place you under spell, charm you, capture your spirit, put evil spirits inside you and several other spiritual strategies they can use to catch you for sexual immorality. Many have killed their spouse, abandoned spouse and children, ran from home, wasted their resources on strange women, etc, under the influence of evil powers. They have spiritual remote control to turn you to their robot. They can also enforce generational curses to wreck your marriage and either snatch you or your spouse. The solution to these is Salvation in JESUS, prayers and a life of holiness. Sacrifices unto GOD will also help.

2. Seduction is also one of their strategies. Showing you nakedness and several other subtle sexual invitations through words and deeds can be acts of seduction. Flirting with you, though married, a sure sign. Flee ! Men who want married women can go out of their ways to spend money on the women so as to win their hearts. This is why every woman must be able to discern the difference between good gifts and gifts of lust. Some gifts are laced with evil powers, once you collect them, you are caught. Go on your knees here and pray against such gifts ever reaching you. Do not continue until you do that.

3. Relationship is a major strategy they use. Women most often fall for this trick. Some women are so stupid that they reveal their marital secrets to their friends. They keep all kinds of friends without discretion. Some even bring them into their matrimonial room. Any friend so desperate to get close to your spouse beyond what is reasonable is a suspect.  Beloved, these evil entities can deliberately befriend you so as to get close to your spouse for sex. If they are too inquisitive about your marital or courtship issues, beware. This is where girls are very naive. Your partner's gifts and love letters to you should be personal between the two of you. Some show their friends everything their partners do for them, stirring up envy and lust for their partners. Some can destroy your relationship or marriage just out of envy. If your partner is beautiful or handsome and has rejected many just to choose only you, beloved, you must guard him or her jealously. Those they rejected can gang up against both of you, even go spiritual. We have evil people among us. They can hide their envy from you and befriend you just to destroy your relationship or marriage and snatch your partner. Countless stories abound of friends who have snatched their friend's spouse. My dear women, stop being stupid. Your man was eye catching and you went for him. Do you think you are the only one who want him ? Other reasonable women might accept their luck and go their way, not these evil ones. If you are not wise and ready to do all you can do in a good and godly way to keep your man, they will destroy that relationship or marriage. They can make friends with you to get at him. Also, if your partner was chaste and disciplined as a single man or woman, he or she will be a major target of these strange men and women. They might also want to taste them or even steal their glories still in tact through sex. The following relationships or marriages are always a major target for these evil ones.

• Well to do partners.
• Handsome or beautiful partners.
• Chaste and disciplined partners.
• Genuinely born-again partners.
• True men and women of GOD.
• Those whose glories and destinies are still in tact.
• Partners just touching breakthrough.
• Partners with good name and reputation.
• Caring and loving partners.
• Generous partners.
• Partners who are romantic and can sexually please their partners.
• Partners who are gorgeous and always dress well.
• Partners absolutely faithful to their spouse. They don't sleep around, their bodies are only for their spouse.
• Partners with a strong sense of dignity.
• Partners who are publicly honoured and well respected.
• Partners with connections in high places.
• Partners in key positions and offices and can grant favours.
• Partners who run the money of companies or organisations.

The above are among some of the men and women these evil ones all among us will do all they can to sleep with and steal from their partners in courtship or marriage. If you are a partner to any of such, guard them well. Ensure both of you know JESUS and are prayerful. Always join hands to make sacrifices unto GOD, ensure it reaches GOD. Don't make stupid mistakes and expose them to danger. Do not bring fully grown and matured women into your home as help for your spouse. Stay away from wayward friends, they will wreck your marriage or courtship. Anyone making enquiries about your romantic  intimacies with your spouse is a suspect. Why would a normal person ask such a question ? Such questions are asked most often to feed their lust. Only a fool will answer such questions.

4. They can employ several strategies of lies, scandals and setups to snatch your spouse. They play you out. Always confirm whatever you hear about your partner. Both of you should be straight and absolutely open to one another. Beware of advice. They can advice you out of your relationship. A sister already in a growing courtship of several months was told to start "posing" her partner so as not to appear cheap. The kind of unscriptural games they advice girls to play on men who show interest in them so as not to appear cheap. A wicked advice. All they wanted was to play her out and move in. Many have been played out of their good courtship and marriage. A sister was told to start being stubborn so the man would respect her. Another was told to disrespect the anointing on her man of GOD fiance. One was told to stop giving gifts to her born-again needy man that GOD sent her to to care for and give to him. The list of bad advice these evil ones give to separate partners so as to snatch them abound. Girls are always victims. Always naive.

5. They can go further by sending you alternative partner who appear better than your own. One of their games. They give you their own and snatch your own. The one they give you also in on the game.

6. They can use pressures on you. They can move your parents, siblings and colleagues to pressurise you out of your courtship or marriage and then snatch your good partner.

7. One of their most wicked operations is to use evil powers on you and make you either behave in such ways that will make your partner hate and reject you or make you walk out on your partner. Whichever way they play it, you move out and they move in. A win win scenario for these evil ones.

Beloved, I strongly advice you to take up dangerous prayers, unleashing deadly Psalms against these evil ones anytime you notice such games against your good relationship, courtship or marriage. Failure to do so and they succeed, it can alter your destiny with grave consequence. Mind you, they don't give a damn, they must sleep with you. Full stop. 




Start by reading this Psalm to GOD as a prayer for yourself. Psalms 103:11-18. Do this before proceeding.

1. Your character, you attract what you are and repel what you are not.

2. The level of your exposure, wisdom and understanding. Your body structure is not wisdom. Many with fine shape and figure have ended in bad marriage. Your desire to have good marriage is not wisdom, it is just a wish that might or might not come to pass depending on other factors. Your age is not wisdom even though it is expected to translate to it. Best you watch, listen, read and learn all you can about the subject of marriage before you venture into it. Some acquire wisdom after making the mistake. Best to acquire wisdom so as to avoid making the mistake. I advice you learn marriage first from the Bible and other good Gospel materials established on what the Bible says about marriage. Avoid worldly mindset about marriage, this has ruined many people.

3. Your mindset on life issues will also determine who you marry. If you are the greedy type, it will determine your choice. You must reason right to choose right. Let the Bible adjust your mindset on marriage.

4. Above all, and this is by far the most important point, how much of GOD'S Mercy you operate under determines who you marry. Best you sit and study this point diligently. Serious spiritual power play comes to force when it comes to marriage. This has pushed countless souls into marriages that destroyed them. Outside GOD'S Mercy, you cannot escape this. There are so many evil strategies evil forces can use to matchmake you. Many, they have captured. True Pastors children are no exception, they are often among the greatest casualty since they take many things for granted. Most true ministers children are married by agents of darkness. Best you believe this coming point. Consequences of spiritual laws violated called generational curses can also push you into bad marriage. You are too young to know what your parents, grandparents, etc, did to marry or how they have destroyed others through marriage. The consequences will come for you, though you are innocent. The only escape route for you is not just prayers, but the Mercy of GOD you can access to escape these consequences. The question is how do you access this Mercy. Follow the following steps.

A. Go on your knees now and surrender your life to JESUS as the first step to access this Mercy. Confess HIM as your LORD and Saviour. Go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Very important.

B. If you are still single, begin to fast and pray on your knees before GOD to show you Mercy from bad marriage coming for you. Just cry for Mercy on a regular basis. Only GOD can save you here, if not, you will gladly walk into a marriage that will destroy you without you suspecting a thing.

C. Ask GOD for specific directions on what you must do to get a good spouse. Get ready to do whatever HE says which will definitely be sacrificial. This is a major key to accessing Mercy. A brother saw a woman and liked her. He was already contemplating marrying her when GOD told him to do something sacrificial for HIM. This will make him deny himself for a while. He obeyed GOD. Immediately he did, he had a revelation. He saw himself falling into a ditch of death as he attempted marriage and he woke up. That marriage would have ended in his death. Events later confirmed it. The woman was a fake. Sacrifices unto GOD and prayers delivered him. He then decided to dig a little into his own family history. The discovery shocked him. His spiritualist grandfather was a specialist in using female agents to kill and destroy men. The curse was coming for him, but the Mercy of GOD he accessed through Salvation in JESUS, prayers, holy living and sacrifices unto GOD saved him. The question is this, what if he had not denied himself for GOD through sacrificial service unto HIM and sacrificial giving to GOD, the curse would have given him an assassin as a wife. Do you know how many such operations go on daily worldwide ? You cannot finish watching such real life documentaries available in videos online and on TV. I have watched so much to know that death often hide under relationship, courtship and marriage to kill and destroy. In many cases in some western countries when people die or get missing, their spouse are often the first suspect, the shocker is this, the Police are quite often right. This is so common in some specific Western countries, I wonder why. 60% of murders in those countries  are committed by boyfriends, girlfriends, fiance, fiancées, husbands or wives. Go online and research this. I have lost count of many such cases I have watched. Such marriage might be heading your way without you being aware. Were those murdered by their partners expecting it ? No. If they have received GOD'S Mercy, the death would have been averted.

Beloved, when it comes to making marital choice, I strongly advice you, if still single, to get ready to begin to serve GOD in a sacrificial way, including giving. This has the ability to deliver you from generational curse coming for you through marriage. Some sufferings and giving to GOD are for your own good. Throw away all the rules that tells you this is the way matchmaking work, you cannot dictate to GOD. Sister, GOD can ask you to be the person to start spending on the brother contrary to worldly dictate, if you love yourself, obey fast. That might be the sacrifice to deliver you from evil marriage. Only GOD knows how HE will matchmake you, best you learn to hear HIM fast. In your own best and eternal interest, stay far away from the advice of worldly friends and agents of darkness amongst brethren. Today they outnumber us by 10,000 to 1.

What are you waiting for, fall on your face before GOD and begin to cry to HIM for Mercy.