CHURCH:Word and Prayers
Romans 9:15-16. KJV
For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
Divine Mercy brought you to partake of
Romans 11:29. NKJV
for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Here, in this website, are the gifts and callings of GOD in my life, that will, by spiritual law, do their work in your life. You are welcome to this page to join our regular Sunday service here that holds 9:00am Nigeria GMT+1, kindly locate the right time in your country's time zone and join us every Sunday. This is a ministry website to minister to your total needs, explore other pages and be blessed.
This is online Sunday service either in written or video forms. The steps you take are outlined, you are expected to follow as if you are in a normal Church service. Gather your family around you, if you have one yet, settle down where you all can pray, sing, worship and study, you are in a Church service, hosts of heaven there with you. No family yet, proceed on your own. For further briefing about this ministry, go to the announcement page. For testimonies, questions, comments, observations and enquiries; reach me through my contact page or through any of my contacts at the left bottom of this website. MAKE THIS YOUR CHURCH.
I sing too. As a welcome gift, here are two of my songs below for your spiritual edification. Press play below and be blessed. You may download them here and here Happy listening.
Apostle Tosin Oke.
Catch Fire Commission.
Those who qualify for this gift are only genuine persons with good intentions to use it for good and godly purpose only, not agents out to sabotage it or use it for bad purposes.
Unfortunately, only Nigerians will be able to receive this for now. They are Nigerian mobile network recharge cards. I do not have for other countries yet, quite sorry for that. I may probably expand this to other countries as soon as I am able to. I intend to be releasing a free gift of recharge cards of different mobile networks in Nigeria that I wish once a week. I shall alternate. One for each week. I can release this gift anytime during a week, not necessarily Sunday mornings only. Once you receive "the card has been loaded" response from your network at your first attempt, stop attempting it so that your line will not be blocked by the network.
Note the following rules.
1. Agents of darkness wanting to load it to sabotage this kind gesture from reaching those who really need it, please keep off. Want to load and use it for bad purposes, also keep off. This is covered in prayers.
2. If you have the means to comfortably buy recharge cards, kindly allow those who need it to use it.
MTN N500 : 46590300709748267
SUNDAY. JANUARY 26TH, 2025. 9:00AM
1. Thank GOD for all things.
2. Place one hand on your head and the other on your chest and say this 7 times.
3. Now say the following three times,
I have received from the ministry of Apostle Tosin Oke, I decree in JESUS NAME, all the good things, spiritual and physical, both him and all those helping him to make these works available need in all areas of their lives be delivered to them in JESUS NAME. I cancel all declarations and pronouncements contrary to these in all areas of their lives in JESUS NAME.
4. Ask GOD for revelation and understanding in today's service. Ask that all things be made clear to you.
5. Present your new week before GOD and place all your needs before HIM. Cancel all plans and purposes of darkness contrary to good against you in all areas of your life this week.
6. Proceed to today's worship. One of my newly released songs titled Hallelujah ! our heavenly language. Also play below. Take your time to sing along, this worship session must not be rushed. Sing other songs you know too.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach me on the contact page for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the bottom left of this website. You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy, preferably evening or any time of the day convenient for you.
1. Start with thanksgiving
2. Do not take anything for granted, thoroughly deal with any issues that concerns your life. Place them before GOD one by one and ask HIM for help.
3. Lie down before heaven and plead for Divine Mercy in all areas of your life.
4. Cancel all plans and purposes of darkness contrary to good in all areas of your life, destroy them by fire.
5. Ask GOD for help to walk in the light of all you are reading in my works.
Ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. All glory to GOD. Click on the displayed page below for instant redirection to the Apostolic views two page, scroll down the page and access today's message titled SEVEN MISTAKES OF THIS PRESENT CHURCH
2. Cancel all plans of darkness against you in all areas of your life and against our service today.
3. Ask GOD to help you to be accurate for good in all you say or do.
4. Ask GOD for revelation and understanding in today's message and grace to walk in it.
5. Proceed to today's worship. Access here or play below. Take your time here, do not rush. Sing other songs you know too.
This is simply talking about being positively accurate to get the best good result as you operate as it concerns your life and in spiritual warfare. You are in this world and your life is lived here, until you finally depart, you must face this world and life issues, there's no escaping it. You better wake up. There are several things going on around you and many issues you have to deal with daily. You cannot ignore the spiritual, if you do, you are already dead or destroyed; for those who want you destroyed are more than those who want you well. You must make decisions on a daily basis. You act daily and move daily. Wrong choices or actions can make you a victim. There are always lots of options for you to pick from, only few out of many are always the right choice. This is where the subject of accuracy comes from, even in prayers, you must be accurate. A lot of regrets people have today are as a result of the errors they made years back. Mistakes in marriage, a grave example. The most heartbreaking thing is that some mistakes quite often appear good and appealing, might take years, when it is too late, to realise the error. A most sorrowful thing is those who were very sincere but still made bad decisions in error. No need dissipating your effort, money, sweat, time, prayers, giving, etc, in the wrong direction and reap nothing; seek accuracy in all you do. One accurate move will yield for you what 100 wrong moves will never produce. Before I go out to preach, I diligently seek GOD'S face on what to preach, HE often times give me messages that appear strange, but I always obey. Sincerely, almost all I share in these pages and other places were by divine instruction. Sometimes, I start writing without having a clue what to write. HE says "write" and as I start, it begins to flow. It actually takes faith to post these things I write, (I know how really exposing stuffs they are) if not that I was led, I would have dropped dead long ago. No ordinary person could have survived the least of the attacks I receive as a result of these messages, even the small body of ministers I lead, still very few, have come under the most ferocious attacks aimed at killing the body; many left, very few remained. I was led to expose things. Do you think those I exposed didn't fight back.....?
Actually, the best form of accuracy is to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT in all you do. I have learnt from experience that the character you see people show in Church is often very different from who they really are, if you structure your messages according to what you see, you will always miss. This is a major wisdom you must have before you proceed to ordain people. They can be very active in Church and humble before you, yet have no love for GOD behind the scene. Some die hard agents can be extremely religious. Those sent by Satan will even insult Satan to your face to convince you they are genuine. I know I don't really know what some congregation need to hear because I do not live with them in their houses, I let the HOLY SPIRIT lead me. I rise and preach, not having any clue why GOD asked me to preach what I preached, just as I am doing now. Days, weeks, months or years after, I get to discover things in the lives of some people I preached to and begin to understand why GOD asked me to preach what I preached. GOD knew what I didn't know.
Several reasons you must strive to be as accurate as possible in your daily living and choices.
1. You don't know the future. Today's decision can help your future or mess your future.
2. The enemy is everywhere, you have no idea what their moves are or what their next moves will be. One wrong decision can push you into their trap.
3. You are limited in knowledge, you can only reason according to your level of sight and insight which are always very limited.
4. Others you have to deal with are also making decisions, you have no idea what their decisions are and how your own will fit in with theirs or upset it.
5. Information you must act on come to you daily, you have no idea which one is a lie or which one is the truth; what if you act on the false one.
6. In spiritual warfare, the enemy constantly changes plans and strategies, you cannot keep praying the same prayers you prayed yesterday lest you fail to hit your target, this is where the help of the HOLY SPIRIT comes in as regards to prayers and spiritual warfare. Simple solution, always ask HIM for help and direction immediately you start any prayer session. HE will lead you.
7. Relationships too are dicey, people change and turn. You must be accurate here too. A friend today can become an enemy tomorrow, often the handiwork of evil spirits at work. You do not know who they have hijacked to start using against you. This is how many were destroyed by the very same people they trusted. When you see sudden betrayals, evil spirits are at work. A major problem in this world that wrecks harmony and destroys peace, causing many to turn suddenly from good to bad is the advantage evil spirits have to use and influence people to make them do what they will normally never do. Unfortunately, humans naturally have no such powers. This power they have has been a major headache for this world. Example; a recent event in Nigeria. A man went home from work to quickly pick something at home. His wife was not home, but their small child was. The man picked a knife and sliced off the head of the child and returned to work. The wife came back, saw the dead child and raised alarm. It was after the man was arrested that he confessed he had no idea what he did. He was surprised too. The unfortunate thing is that the evil spirit that entered him and used him to kill his own child will go his way while he will face trial. Many have thus been sent to jail or executed. Another example. A prisoner in jail for an offence he probably knew nothing about was set free by the intervention of a Governor's pardon. He was glad. Several days after, he was caught stealing a plasma TV and returned to jail. When you see such acts that defies logic and reasonableness, an evil spirit is at work. They simply wanted him to die in jail. I am very sure food was not his problem, those who set him free must have cared for him, they have the means to buy him a TV, why steal one ! You get the point. This is why you must have accuracy in relationships and the things you do. You cannot stick to the same decisions you took yesterday. People turn, events change.
1. Never act or react in anger. Take your time to diligently ponder before you take action.
2. Get all your facts before acting.
3. Never assume you know it all, listen and learn.
4. Always abide by what the Bible says, if the offer or act is contrary to what the Bible approves, reject it and flee. As long as you abide by GOD'S Word, you will always be accurate. Declare this now seven times, personalise it.
Psalms 40:7-8. KJV
Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.
5. Put your full trust in GOD, this way you will never see anyone as indispensable to you. If you see anyone as your god or supplier, you will find it difficult to break away from them for your safety if need be. This is how some people have been destroyed. They felt if that person leave they are finished. Their trust was not in GOD. I have, over the years, see many come and go, yet GOD kept taking care of me. When the enemy drove several helpers away from me, they thought that was the end. I kept on going because my trust was in GOD and HE kept on surprising me even in better ways. One or two prayers you must pray NOW to help your accuracy. Quote,
Proverbs 3:5-6. KJV
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
...ask GOD for accurate direction in all you do or say. Tell GOD you acknowledge HIM in all your ways, HE should direct your path. HE should help you not to miss it in life and choices.
Also pray thus,
Proverbs 11:27. KJV
He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.
Whoever has closed or is closing or planning to close any good door or good opportunity against you should begin to experience same.
6. Nobody can make you accurate, except GOD. The best thing to always do is to constantly ask GOD for direction before you take any decision even in giving. Too easy, just constantly say,
Hit the floor now and pray that prayer like mad.
Go on your knees and do it now. Pray like this.
I acknowledge I am a sinner, GOD forgive me. Blood of JESUS cleanse me from my sins. I receive the sacrifice of JESUS on the cross and confess HIM as my LORD and Saviour. I believe and so I have confessed".
Having done that, go to the foundation class page and follow it through. Don't ignore this.
Tithe and Offering are part of our service unto GOD for our own good. We cannot be an exception. Some people's money made this possible, kindly reach me on the contact page for account details, also text or call any of my lines so as to send your tithes and offerings. You may also mail me directly. Contact details at the bottom left of this website. You will be reached anywhere you are in the world. In Nigeria and wish to sow recharge cards, please go ahead. I use all networks.
This is what we still do in our privacy, preferably evening or any time of the day convenient for you.
1. Thank GOD for all things.
2. Declare 7 times, "I live in the Spirit, I walk in the Spirit, I act and react in sync with the HOLY SPIRIT everytime".
3. Ask GOD for a baptism of a life of sacrifice unto GOD.
4. Begin to acknowledge GOD in all your ways. Tell HIM all your plans and ask HIM to direct you.
5. Cancel all plans of darkness contrary to good in all areas of your life.
6. Declare Psalms 40 : 7-8 seven times as your personal confession.
7. Close with thanksgiving.
Ensure you visit other pages in this website and share. Send me your testimonies. If a Nigerian, go up page and collect the free gift for the week if not yet collected, please read the collection instruction first, available for all Nigerians with good intentions and who truly need it. Note, I have never posted an invalid, expired recharge pin or an incorrect pin. Any loading issues with the recharge pins are not from me nor the service providers. Thank GOD they always eventually get loaded. No single recharge card has ever being wasted. All glory to GOD. Say Amen as we close
May God’s mercy and peace be upon all of you who live by these principles of GOD'S word and upon those everywhere who are really God’s own.